PRE & Adult Catechesis

Parish Religious Education (PRE)

Going back as far as the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore in 1884, the bishops of the United States have consistently taught that all parents, working together with the local parish, must provide for the religious education of their children.

Every family that does not enroll their children in Catholic schools (like our own St. Paul School) has a serious obligation to ensure that their children receive formal religious education and catechesis by some other means, and St. Paul's PRE program is here to assist you.

Parish Religious Education program runs from September-May. Classes for all grades from K-8. We meet on Sunday’s from 11:00am to 12:15pm.

Our catechists are volunteers who love sharing the faith with the young people who are the future of the Church. If you love sharing the faith with others, maybe God is calling you to help educate his children.

Why? As a parent, you are the primary source of your child's religious education and first experiences in the Roman Catholic faith. The Parish Religious Education Program assists parents in their God- given role as educators of the faith. P.R.E. helps provide students with a desire to share in the adventure of faith, learning, liturgy, and life. It offers faith formation for children to grow in love, knowledge, appreciation, and desire to become active members of the Catholic Church. At St. Paul, we are committed to helping parents encourage and provide their children with a solid spiritual foundation of their Catholic faith.




In order to register, you MUST bring:

Completed registration form
Copies of certificates (if child is making a sacrament)
Money for textbooks and materials
$50.00 for 1st child
$30.00 for 2nd child
*Maximum $80.00 per family*

View and download the P.R.E. calendar

Download and complete the P.R.E. forms

Please print it and bring in completed registration form to the parish office Monday-Friday from 9am-12pm. Last day to register in the parish office August 31. NO LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED!! First day of class Sunday, September 10 from 11:00am-12:15pm in the St. Paul School building. For more information about PRE contact Maria in the parish office 901-346-2380.

English Speaking Adult Catechesis Series

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) meets on Tuesday's from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Download and complete our interview sheet. Bring it in person to the parish office. Monday- Friday 9am-1pm. For more information contact Maria at 901-346-2380.

Serie de Catequesis para Adultos Hispanos

El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (RICA) se reúne los Lunes de 7:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. Descarga y completa nuestra hoja de entrevistas. Tráigalo en persona a la oficina parroquial. Lunes - Viernes 9am-1pm. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con María al 901-346-2380.

Fishers of Men

Fishers of Men is a Catholic men's ministry which calls, equips and encourages men through an experience of authentic friendship to become active disciples of Jesus Christ.
Their goal is to awaken in Catholic men a desire for a relationship with Jesus. Their focus is on the The MAN CRISIS in our church.. There are 11 million men in America that were raised Catholic but have left the faith. If a father does not go to church, only one child in 50 (2%) will become a regular worshipper with another 37% worshipping irregularly: 60% will be lost to the Church. Only about 1/3 of Catholic men (36%) say they attend Mass on a weekly basis. A Fishers of Men group is a place where men come together to support, encourage, and hold each other accountable on their spiritual journey.
Join St. Paul's Fishers of Men group every Sunday from 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. in the Parish Hall. No registration is required and is open to both Catholic and non-Cathoic men. For more information, please join us any Sunday morning.
View this YouTube video about the Memphis Diocese’s Fishers of Men and the Fishers of Men website.